
We provide a range of services to help clients navigate the digital world.

  • Risk Assessments

    We provide custom cybersecurity, privacy, geopolitical, and other confidential risk assessments for your organization. Assess your exposure to the changing technology, policy, and geopolitical landscape, whether globally or in specific countries around the world, and how it will impact your assets, liabilities, and organizational future.

  • Custom Research

    We provide tailored research on specific topics, ranging from cybersecurity, privacy, data, and artificial intelligence regulation in specific countries to global trend forecasts and digital threat deep-dives profiling the biggest risks and opportunities facing your organization. Our team has deep expertise in open-source intelligence-gathering to help you navigate the challenges of today and tomorrow.

  • Tailored Briefings

    We provide custom presentations to executives, investors, product managers, threat intelligence teams, and other stakeholders on cybersecurity, data privacy, internet policy, and other topics in the realm of technology, policy, and geopolitics. Whether a one-off discussion or a monthly brief, keep your decisionmakers on top of the latest developments.

  • Project Strategizing

    We provide strategy consultations on new and ongoing client projects. Whether developing a privacy-focused technology product, launching a technology policy initiative, or brainstorming the geopolitical risks of a major organizational decision, we help you navigate these complex technological, policy, and geopolitical challenges.

  • Communications Planning

    We offer custom, back-end-only communications planning for organizations of all sizes. Respond clearly, effectively, and accurately to technological, policy, and geopolitical developments in press releases, blogs, government request-for-comment filings, and other mediums to stick to the facts and highlight your message.

  • Expert Network

    We are plugged into a large network of experts in technology, policy, and geopolitical areas — from experts on US data privacy law, to undersea communications infrastructure, to Chinese technology strategy and regulation. Tap into our services to leverage the right expertise for your organization’s toughest challenges and biggest opportunities.